Professional Dog Walking
for Kemp Town and Hanover

Two Hour, Off-lead Group Walks
Collection from Kemp Town and Hanover for Walking on the South Downs
Weekday AM or PM,
Weekend Mornings available
Joining Experienced Dog-Walker with Cheerful, Friendly Pups

"Mini is always so exited to see Ruth and comes back home happy and tired. Perfect." -Tony
"Ruth is reliable and trustworthy and I highly recommend her, and so does Jasper." -Carla

"The dogs love Ruth so much and she takes them on wonderful adventures... she's worth her weight in gold!" -Catherine
Walking with Pooch au Pair

Whole Day Walks - £20
Your pup will be with us for both walks to enjoy a minimum of four hours outdoor fun. Each walk will be on a different route and there will be new pals to catch-up with.
Expect them home tired and very happy!
Half Day Walk - £12
Your dog will join us for two hour walk on the fabulous South Downs, which has a variety of routes and tracks to explore, with woods, open fields and ponds. Our walks are relaxed and friendly - while I do have a rough plan for what path we're taking, suggestions to pause and watch a squirrel in the branches, stare at a interesting hole or otherwise divert or detour are welcome.

Puppy Walks
Puppies are very welcome! It is always exciting to have a little chap along with us. All of my dogs are well-mannered and good with young pups and it is an excellent experience and socialisation for your little hound. They won't be able to walk for two hours! But I have a puppy sling and will carry as necessary so they have the appropriate level of exercise for their age. Puppies do not find this dull. Just being outside and seeing and hearing the other dogs is healthy and entertaining.
Weekend Walking - £15
I also run a morning walk on both Sat and Sun - this is a three hour walk and we may chose to go a little further afield, such as Nymans, Angmering Woods, Lancing Hill or Cissbury. It's fun both for me and the dogs to stretch our wings a little and cover new ground.

About My Dogs and Me
Hello. I'm Ruth and I have 10 years of dog walking experience in Brighton. Pooch au Pair started with my first puppy as an adult and realising how important it was that he have as nice a time as possible and just how little that coincided with having to go to work. All the dogs I look after will have same care and affection that I would for my own pup or you for yours.
I love walking and have kept our pick-up area small so as to have more time out and about and enjoying ourselves. Longer walks mean the spaniel and cockerpoo types have plenty of time to dash around and get the exercise and entertainment they need while the pugs or older dogs can potter along with me and have gentle, sustained exercise and enjoy the views and smells.